Fresh Plaza 2022
“This is our first season with full-capacity in apple exports”
A Turkish fresh produce exporter has taken the leap and will have its first apple season with full capacity this year. After contemplating on whether to make the required investments, the company decided to build an additional packhouse and get the proper machinery in place. They now export to countries in Asia, Africa and Europe.
Ani Tarim is a Turkish fresh produce exporter, that did not have a lot of experience with apples until very recently: “Our company is based on Boğazova Valley of Eğirdir District in Isparta - the most productive apple cultivation area in Turkey and well-known for its Red Delicious variety, and we mostly deal with cherry, pomegranate, black fig, table grape and quince exports,” says Mehmet Çakmak, sales and marketing manager for Turkish fresh produce exporter Ani Tarim. “Although we live in apple paradise so to speak, we were not doing apple exports until 2020. Isparta, with its different cultivation areas, produced about 1,130,000 tons of apple in 2021.”