Fresh Plaza 2021
“This season’s volumes may surpass last year’s records”
A lot of countries had to deal with cold weather and frost damage last week, and Turkey has also seen some damages in the cherries. This means that the season will be slightly delayed. However, thanks to increasing both the acreage and the number of cherry traders, it’s still expected that volumes will exceed the volumes of the 2020 season.
The Turkish cherry season has had quite a few challenges, despite the season not having started yet. According to Mehmet Cakmak, Sales and Marketing manager for Anı Tarım, the early varieties have shown some damages: “Our intensive preparations for the new cherry season are going on at the moment, but the first news from the fields are a bit challenging. According to the latest feedback that I got from our procurement and field experts, it’s estimated about 10 to 15 per cent of the crops are damaged due to low temperatures and frosts that occurred last week. This isn’t the case for all orchards, but it’s true for some flat cherry production areas in the İzmir region, where we’ll begin to procure the first Ziraat 0900 (Napoleon) cherries. The damages could be around 20 to 25 per cent for early varieties like Burlant and Vista, but our company does not supply these two early varieties.”